– a family of families which represents a big incentive for the building of a community based on love, peace and solidarity.
Our aims: – to promote and safeguard large families’ values and rights;
– to support large families’ active and responsible participation in cultural, social and political life;
– to promote proper family politics, in order to protect family’s function and rights, recognizing the social, educational and formative role the family plays in the society.
Our values: family as a love community
– Heterosexuality: God created Man and Woman;
– Marriage: family first’ s birth certificate;
– Mutual acceptance: the consort is not an obstacle for the relation, but a person who makes it complete ad unique;
– Spiritual support: research of the Truth and of all the values through which carry out a life-together project;
– Sharing: to be able to share good and bad things of life, in order to create union among all the members of the family;
– Married love: to be a free gift one another, without social and economic obligation;
– Fidelity: married tie is unique and exclusive;
– Indissolubility: love husband and wife’s life endless love sign;
– Fertility: to say yes to life;
– Engagement: love is not something taken for granted, it always needs to be fed;
Our values: Family as a social institution
– welcome: to accept a new member of the family (natural, adopted or foster, disabled child, parents and foreigners)
– Solidarity: to take responsibility for all the problems of the family and the society
– Brotherhood: to establish interpersonal relations, based on mutual love and equality
– Dialogue: to create unique relations with all the people (man-woman, parents-children, young-old)
– Service: to be at everyone disposal, in order to carry out individual and general aims
Our values: Family as a force for the common good
– to procreate: to give life to new citizens;
– to educate: to transmit all the values of the living together, of the belonging to a people, and of the respecting of the rule of law;
– to form: to grow up new citizens in service to the economic, social, cultural, and moral development of the society;
– personal property protection: to take care of one’s own home;
– people service allocation: to satisfy all the family members needs, and if necessary, through public facilities.
Per info:
Giuseppe e Raffaella Butturini
Via San Pio X°, 23 – Loc. San Giacomo
35020 Albignasego (PD)
Tel.: 0498014122
Cell.: 3495088516 – 3473007342
Email: presidente@famiglienumerose.org