Family Kaleidoscope Let’s compose the common European family photo album!


    Photo competition of the Ministry of National Resources

    Submit your family photo depicting the most beautiful moment, which reveals: you can live without family, but not worthy!

    Let’s present the diversity of the European families in order to find out: family is the greatest value, may we live anywhere in Europe.
    We expect such private moments, captured experiences, which families are willing to share with the public at large as well, for all to see: family is the main source of happiness.

    We also welcome one-sentence captions for the family after-images sent to the competition (which might be a message to the young people facing before family formation, perhaps, when, where or on what occasion was the record made, why it is the most beautiful moment for them).

    We are waiting the black and white or color images electronically, in high resolution, in jpg, pdf or tif formats to the address (and in cc!!!) until the 15th of May 2011.
    The proper size for the assessment is min. 2000 x 3000 pixels, 1,5 Mb. After judging the winner images will be required in a larger size necessary for publication.
    A candidate may appoint up to three photos.

    The pre-judged pictures of the Family Kaleidoscope will be uploaded to governmental website, where can be voted for the images capturing the most intimate moment.

    We will raffle valuable prizes among the candidates. The images received the most votes will be awarded and also presented to the public.